CPHS Acronym Dictionary
Student Organizations
- Student Government:
- SGA - Student Governance Association – implemented 2014-15
- DSAC (Deans Student Advisory Council) – 2013-14 and prior
- DRxUGS - Drake University Rx (Pharmacy) Unified Group of Students
- AMCP - Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
- APhA-ASP - American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Students in Pharmacy
- ASHP - American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacy
- CPFI - Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International
- NCPA - National Community Pharmacy Association
- SCCP – Student chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
- SNAPhA - Student National Pharmacists Association
- Professional Fraternities:
- PDX - Phi Delta Chi
- LKS - Lambda Kappa Sigma
- Ky - Kappa Psi
- Other Organizations:
- HSSO - Health Sciences Student Organization
- CLC – Collaborative Leadership Council (comprised of the DRxUGS, Professional Fraternities, and other organizations)
- IPA - Iowa Pharmacy Association
- AACP - American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- AAPS - American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- ASCP – American Society for Consultant Pharmacy
- CPHS Opportunities
- D-PREP - Discover Drake - Prepare, Research, Explore Pharmacy
- DELTA Rx - Drake Entrepreneurial Leadership Tools for Advancement
- SLDS - Student Leadership Development Series
Campus Offices
- OASAS - Office of Academic and Student Affairs Services
- PCDS - Professional & Career Development Service
Pharmacy Curriculum
- APPE - Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (also known as P4 rotations)
- CAPS - Career, Academic, and Professional Success
- IPE - Inter-Professional Education
- IPPE - Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences
- OTC - Over-the-Counter Medications
- PBA - Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Administrative Sciences Department
- PDA - Principles of Drug Action
- PSA - Pharmacy Skills & Applications (BPSA - Basic PSA; IPSA - Intermediate PSA; APSA - Advanced PSA)
- TBL - Team-Based Learning
- TDM - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
- ACPE - Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
- IBP - Iowa Board of Pharmacy
- MPJE - Multi-state Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination
- NABP - National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
- NAPLEX - North American Pharmacy Licensure Examination
Other Institutions
- DMU – Des Moines University
- DMACC – Des Moines Area Community College
- UI – University of Iowa
Pharmacy Profession
- ACA - Accountable Care Act
- ACO - Accountable Care Organization
- MTM - Medical Therapy Management
- PBM - Pharmacy Benefit Manager
- PSAO - Pharmacy Services Administration Organization
Other Acronyms
Other acronyms, including many medical terms can be found at: http://www.allacronyms.com/pharmacy/topic